A downloadable game

Download Link (requires Tabletop Simulator)




Create Compounds by combining Elements. Create all Compounds on the board to win the game

Start of game: Each player draws 7 cards from the deck to their hand. Take the top 5 cards from the deck and place them face up between both players creating the Pool. The player who drank water most recently goes first. 

Pool: Anytime the Pool has 5 of the same Element, it gets discarded and a new pool is drawn

Hands: A player can have up to 10 cards in their hand. If a player has more than 10 cards, they cannot draw a card. If a player has no cards in their hand, they must draw from the Deck until they have 7 cards

On Your Turn: During their turn, a player can perform 2 actions (they can perform one action twice)

  • Draw a card from the deck
  • Exchange a card with the pool
  • Discard 2 cards and swap out the entire pool (send pool to Discard pile)
  • Play a compound

After their two actions are completed, the player’s turn ends and it becomes the next player’s turn. 

Deck: When the deck runs out of cards, shuffle the Discard pile and place it face down to become the new Deck.


Make Life Rules.pdf 38 kB

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